I hardly ever say anything about my youngest son. He is in first grade and life is just goooooood for him. Here he is on an outing with his friends. My comment was, "Jacob, can't you just smile one time? Do you have to be goofy all the time?" Do you know anybody else like that?? :)
He had such a good time at the orchards. The boy in the red sweatshirt is his good buddy in his class. They are both head and shoulders taller than the rest of the class. The three boys with Jacob are brothers.
What were you and Mrs. McGraw thinking allowing Rhia and Jacob to sit together in class. They are like brother and sister together! TROUBLE!!
What's the point of just a smile if I can be goofy. So much funner!
I've thought about finding pictures of you and posting them. Most of the time you were just so sweet, but there are a few Jacob ones in there. and yes, Jacob DOES look like you!!!
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