Yesterday was Jonathan's birthday. He turned 12...I can't believe he is almost a teenager! We had a volleyball game after school and Katelyn is now taking drivers ed. So we didn't get home until after 8. David had stuff at church, so we are going to celebrate his birthday tonight as a family. By Jonathan's request, the kids and I went to Moe's after drivers ed. on our way home. While we were sitting there we all decided to share our favorite "Jonathan memories". Katelyn's was the time he got into the baby powder and had it all over him and all over his room. Mary Ellen was the time the were wrestling and he busted his head open on the corner of the wall....I'm not sure why she chose that...tramatic memory! Jacob didn't share one. Of course, at the top of my list was the moment he was born and the doctor said, "He's a boy!" Second, for me, was the first time he smiled at me. My mom and I both were talking to him ( I think he was about 3 weeks old) and he grinned really big at us and we both said "He has dimples!" Of course, that was the end of me right there. That boy melts my heart every time he smiles at me with that sweet smile of his! He is such a sweet boy, very tenderhearted. He is so smart and wants to do well in school. He hears something once and pretty much gets it...very quick learner. He also loves sports and has now become a Phillies fan in the past few years. His dad isn't too happy about that. One of my favorite pictures of him was when he was about 4 and he is wearing cowboy boots, superman cape with a three cornered "George Washington" hat and he is aiming his musket at something! so cute!!!
He is very sensitive to spiritual things and from a young age could be found reading his Bible in his room from time to time. He LOVES to read!!! I have to make him go outside and get some exercise. Some of his interests are different from other kids his age. He enjoys classical music and loves taking piano lessons (although we had to quit this yr. ). He wants to be a congressman someday. When he was little, he loved George Washington. Living in PA, provided many opportunities to go "see George Washington". There was a guy in the area who goes around the area as GW talking about him. We have gone to GW's birthday party a few times, the reenactment of the Brandywine Battlefield. We visited Valley Forge and Mount Vernon....This is a great area for field trips.
I love all these things that make Jonathan who he sweet boy. Happy Birthday!
what a sweet post...don't you just LOVE memories?! Does Luisa live close to y'all?
Happy Birthday!!!
So Jonathan's birthday is the 7th? I've got to get all these birthday's written down!
yep, same day as Wes.
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