Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ups and downs

Which one do you want first? Sometimes you just want a break from being a parent. As they get older, the issues get bigger. Tonight I felt we were dealing with everything from the mundane to the not so mundane....exhausting!!! At the same time, I felt like God was using each situation that David and I dealt with to make us lean on Him more. I really sensed His strength and He was helping me to not get angry but to deal with each situation in the right way...kind of foreign! It was a "wow, that was God not me" kind of thing. God used each experience in parenting tonight to help our kids get a better picture of Him...that was the work of the Holy Spirit. I pray that it will grow their faith and God will use these difficulties to show them more of Himself and His great love for His children, even when we mess up! I am just standing back in amazement of what God is doing in each of my children ain't easy, but God is faithful!
Sooo....David and I are getting a little bit of a break this weekend. We have all week next week off of school. Just the two of us are going down to VA, to see our friends and get a little rest and relaxation! We are so ready!
Kate is all done with drivers ed. ! yeah! She got her blue certificate tonight! Now she takes that to the DMV and gets her permit!
Science fair tomorrow...gotta go make a snack for it

Monday, November 17, 2008

sad note

Our favorite coffee shop, Harrington's, closed!!! When we came up to Kennett Square to candidate almost nine years ago. I was taken to this coffee shop by two friends and have loved it ever since. I am so sad it many memories there! Yes, we even shed some tears over it! I guess I will have to find Jingle Bell Java somewhere else.


The one thing I love about winter and cold is being cozy...sitting by the fire, drinking hot beverages. Tonight we are having homemade chicken noodle soup and beer bread for dinner. I don't buy that packaged beer bread...what a rip off. I figured out you are paying for self-rising flour and a little bit of sugar in a box. Go on line and find a recipe. I threw some cheese in it tonight to make it more interesting. It might snow a little bit tonight...we are hoping it will! On Sat. we had our shorts on and tonight we might get a dusting of snow! That's how it is these days in Delaware!

Friday, November 14, 2008


I gave Kate 362 reasons why she needed to study for her driver's ed. final exam! She did and she passed with flying colors!!! yeah!! That is how much it would cost HER to take the class again. Delaware has decided that if you homeschool or send your child to private school that you have to pay $362.00 to take driver's ed. which is required in the state of DE. So we are pay our taxes like everyone else....I don't get it. If you go to public school it is free...I think I need to write a letter to someone.
I'm so glad it's Friday. I am taking Mary Ellen and two of her friends to the movies tonight. We are going to see Madagascar 2. I already it saw last weekend with Kate and her friend and friend's mom.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's been a busy week (aren't they all) and my mind has not been in a good place for most of it. You ever have those times?? It is a battle and I need Jesus!
Yesterday, I was observed by the headmaster and principal...brought back all kinds of memories. Thanks to everyone who prayed for me. I was able to relax...a little. Actually, this wasn't as big of a deal as it was during student teaching. So it wasn't near as stressful. But I am glad it is over! I had taught the lesson and the kids were doing an activity to go along with it. I had just asked them to do it quietly and heard someone whistling. I said "Who is whistling?" The headmaster responds "oops!" and puts his hand over his mouth! I just died laughing! It was so funny...caught him! :)
Katelyn has been talking a lot about colleges lately. We are hoping to go visit some in the spring. She wants to be a Literature major...any suggestions from those more experienced than I??? She might be taking a year off before college. She is young for her class anyway...turns 18 in June after she graduates. She wants to go on a mission trip, earn some money, read a give us any wisdom you have in this area. For now we are just hoping to make through driver's ed. :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

can't wait...

...for Christmas! I am so excited to for Christmas (not just because I have two weeks off!). I love Christmas. It comes from being deprived as a child. By the time I came a long my mom was sick of decorating, getting a tree, etc... So I get so excited every year. In fact, I start the day after Thanksgiving. We get our tree that first weekend and keep it up as long as possible. I can't wait to decorate my house...I didn't do a whole lot of that last year because of our life situation. So this year feels like the first Christmas in this house. Let's listen to some Christmas music!!


I am tired this Monday morning. We had a busy weekend. My house hasn't been cleaned in weeks. I wish I could stay home today....oh well. Katelyn is in the driving part of driver's ed. Saturday she spent a good portion of the day up in Wilmington driving around the city. I am so glad that someone else is teaching her how to drive. :) I-95 is not good place to be stubborn! Her teacher threatened to fail her as they were driving through the city. I am so glad she learning how to drive in the city where there is a lot of traffic and on I-95 because then she will be able to drive anywhere! Maybe she will be able to drive on our trip down to SC this Christmas!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Isn't she lovely??

Isn't she wonderful!
Yeah! Mary Ellen got her braces off. It was something to celebrate!

I am not sure I doing this formatting thing the right way...we'll see. Why can't I figure this out?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

thoughts of mine

I keep thinking this morning about when Israel asked for a king. Samuel warned them that this was not wise and what this king would do to them. They basically said, "We don't care! We still want a king", ignoring God's warnings. So God gave them what they wanted. "Lord, help me to desire what you desire! My heart is so prone to wander. Please don't just give me what I want all the time! Give me Jesus!"
Praise God for men like Joe Pitts who continue to fight for what is right. He is a United States congressman in PA (He still is Melinda and Joel's). I was so sad that I could not vote for him anymore when we moved away. We need to lift up these men who are in the thick of the battle day in and day out. He won again last night and what a great man of God! He fights for the persecuted church around the world, the unborn, capitalism, our constitutional rights such as the !st amendment which is in jeopardy, and does so many things for the good of our country which no one will hear about. We will press on and stand up for what is right no matter what happens. I was telling my kids this morning that God strengthens our faith when we go through difficult times. I want them to be strong men and women of God and they won't get there by the easy path. I told Jonathan this morning (he was a little down in the dumps), "You will be the leader in your home and in your church and in the community! You cannot be a wimp for Jesus! You have stand up and speak out for what is right and that won't be easy. Someday we might be voting for you!" (He wants to be a congressman). Today I am just so thankful to be where I am! God has given me waaaaaaaay more than I deserve! He will never leave us! I was singing "Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus" yesterday with my first graders. His love surrounds us like an ocean and will lead us homeward to our rest above. It is an everlasting love. So on with a new day with many opportunities to do great things for His kingdom and for His Name's Sake!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

paninis...and cross country

The best school....

Yeahh!! Carly got first place!!

The coach...yep, that's me! I was pretty excited!

Matt, our star. He makes me proud! He is a great runner!

That's my girl!!! Kate placed 5th in the girls division!

The best team!!!

mmmmmmmm....yummy paninis for dinner with the works on it...pesto, dijon mustard, red onions, red peppers, swiss cheese, ham and roast beef! It was WAAYYYY better than Panera's. I got a panini maker for this past Mother's day and I use it a lot!
Yesterday was our last cross country meet. Just bear with me as I brag a little. I love these kids and am a little sad that it is done. They are so much fun and have such a great attitude (most of the time). I know I have posted pictures of them already, but I just had to post these too!
We won second place in the girls and boys. Yes, we got two trophies! What a great way to end the season and it was a gorgeous day---70 degrees!! We had 5 kids get medals (including my daughter)! yeah!!! Go Kate!!! She is awesome! I am going to miss running with these kids every week. I better go do suicides with them on the basketball court!