Wednesday, November 5, 2008

thoughts of mine

I keep thinking this morning about when Israel asked for a king. Samuel warned them that this was not wise and what this king would do to them. They basically said, "We don't care! We still want a king", ignoring God's warnings. So God gave them what they wanted. "Lord, help me to desire what you desire! My heart is so prone to wander. Please don't just give me what I want all the time! Give me Jesus!"
Praise God for men like Joe Pitts who continue to fight for what is right. He is a United States congressman in PA (He still is Melinda and Joel's). I was so sad that I could not vote for him anymore when we moved away. We need to lift up these men who are in the thick of the battle day in and day out. He won again last night and what a great man of God! He fights for the persecuted church around the world, the unborn, capitalism, our constitutional rights such as the !st amendment which is in jeopardy, and does so many things for the good of our country which no one will hear about. We will press on and stand up for what is right no matter what happens. I was telling my kids this morning that God strengthens our faith when we go through difficult times. I want them to be strong men and women of God and they won't get there by the easy path. I told Jonathan this morning (he was a little down in the dumps), "You will be the leader in your home and in your church and in the community! You cannot be a wimp for Jesus! You have stand up and speak out for what is right and that won't be easy. Someday we might be voting for you!" (He wants to be a congressman). Today I am just so thankful to be where I am! God has given me waaaaaaaay more than I deserve! He will never leave us! I was singing "Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus" yesterday with my first graders. His love surrounds us like an ocean and will lead us homeward to our rest above. It is an everlasting love. So on with a new day with many opportunities to do great things for His kingdom and for His Name's Sake!!


LeroyLime said...

what a wonderful post...thank you for being such an uplifting woman! :)

sperlonga said...

It's wonderful how this election has helped us focus on Jesus more and more. Just what God wants from us! Check out my friend's blogs I've linked to mine. She's a blessing and an inspiration!(And not just 'cause she's homeschooling her five kids!!!)