Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's been a busy week (aren't they all) and my mind has not been in a good place for most of it. You ever have those times?? It is a battle and I need Jesus!
Yesterday, I was observed by the headmaster and principal...brought back all kinds of memories. Thanks to everyone who prayed for me. I was able to relax...a little. Actually, this wasn't as big of a deal as it was during student teaching. So it wasn't near as stressful. But I am glad it is over! I had taught the lesson and the kids were doing an activity to go along with it. I had just asked them to do it quietly and heard someone whistling. I said "Who is whistling?" The headmaster responds "oops!" and puts his hand over his mouth! I just died laughing! It was so funny...caught him! :)
Katelyn has been talking a lot about colleges lately. We are hoping to go visit some in the spring. She wants to be a Literature major...any suggestions from those more experienced than I??? She might be taking a year off before college. She is young for her class anyway...turns 18 in June after she graduates. She wants to go on a mission trip, earn some money, read a give us any wisdom you have in this area. For now we are just hoping to make through driver's ed. :)


diber said...

See, the brilliant thing about majors in the humanities is that they are so fun and interesting. And then you graduate and wonder what in the world you do to, like, actually make money. So you go to graduate school and perpetuate your sort.

I think an English major is great, and if she should totally do it in a liberal arts environment, because that places the disciplines in conversation with eachother. But speaking from someone who is like Humanities Major Extraordinaire, if she has a little practical side to cultivate, too, that would really help. (Business? accounting? Computers? teaching? social work? speech therapy? nursing?) I just couldn't actually major in another practical like that, because it seems so dreadfully boring. And when you major in the humanities, you're given Mad Thinking Skillz that the sociology majors never get (not to be all down on them or anything).

And *ahem* Covenant *ahem* rocks English Majors *ahem*

sperlonga said...

Oh,yeah, talk about English majors and humanities...we got 'em in this family. Yeah, degrees we can really use! ha! Well, Linnea is an English major wanting to get a PhD in Literature. (What is it with this family and ENGLISH???) Will has a history degree and is looking for a job....
Yeah, Covenant has some great English people, ask Linnea! They still help her out.
BTW, Jeni Nelson wants to be an English major, too. She starts next year.
And I agree with Diber here, too! :)