Philadelphia finally has a championship. The whole family stayed up tonight and watched the game amidst grading papers and doing lesson plans! :) It was fun! The phone rang right after they won and I said, " I bet that's Meredith". It was and she was in FL cheering her Phillies on! YEAHHHH!!! Nick called David and said there were fireworks in Lancaster.
Now we can get some sleep!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Longwood Gardens

We have been wanting to go to Longwood this fall and haven't been able to get it together to do it until this past Sunday. We are up there for church on Sundays. So we just left early and spent a couple hours on a GORGEOUS fall day. It was a great family time. As we were walking around, I was thinking how perfect it was and what a gift from God it was to us to be there. It was like a love note from my Heavenly Father to be able to be there and enjoy the scenery, my family, the weather, etc...I feel incredibly blessed!
Monday, October 27, 2008
tonight's the night
Let's hope the Phillies win the World Series tonight because we all need some sleep. I am letting Jonathan stay up and watch the game tonight. He is the most avid Phillies fan in this household.
Go Phillies!!!
Go Phillies!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Yep, got gas for 2.29 last night on my home from our cross country meet! I was pretty excited about that. It's been a long time since I have seen that price.
I got to stay home all day today! aaaaaahhhhhhhhh I did tons of laundry, cleaned house and rearranged the boys room. We took down the boys' bunk beds. Mary Ellen is the queen of rearranging. So she helped me figure out how to do it.
We had fun at our meet yesterday after school. Cross country is competitive but not as vicious as basketball. The coaches of the other schools we play are so nice. Everyone cheers all the runners on, not just their own. Then yesterday we played a school at their homecoming and they invited us to stay for dinner afterwards. Wooohoo free food!!! They had some good food, too.
I got to stay home all day today! aaaaaahhhhhhhhh I did tons of laundry, cleaned house and rearranged the boys room. We took down the boys' bunk beds. Mary Ellen is the queen of rearranging. So she helped me figure out how to do it.
We had fun at our meet yesterday after school. Cross country is competitive but not as vicious as basketball. The coaches of the other schools we play are so nice. Everyone cheers all the runners on, not just their own. Then yesterday we played a school at their homecoming and they invited us to stay for dinner afterwards. Wooohoo free food!!! They had some good food, too.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
spread the wealth
How about sharing some Phillies tickets?? I don't think it is very American that only a very small percentage of Americans get to attend the World about spreading the wealth around. After all, it's good for everyone!
new gym
A couple months ago we had to cancel our gym membership because we just can't have any "extras" in the budget. So I have been running with my cross country team and trying to stay in shape that way. I don't particularly enjoy running, but it is better than nothing. But the running thing has only happened about once a week because I obviously can't run at their meets. Anyway, I was groaning the other day to a friend about not being able to work out as much as I used to and i am going to get fat and lazy again! I have been in this funk lately with sadness hanging over me and just not able to shake it off. She said, "We put in a gym over our barn. Come work out at my place!" So I did today and YIPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I feel like a new woman! I might even get a cup of coffee out of it every once in awhile! :) Cathy and her husband have a farm out in the country b/t here and Dover. They carpool with us to school. I will have to take a picture of my new gym and post it....I love it!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
the young one

I hardly ever say anything about my youngest son. He is in first grade and life is just goooooood for him. Here he is on an outing with his friends. My comment was, "Jacob, can't you just smile one time? Do you have to be goofy all the time?" Do you know anybody else like that?? :)
He had such a good time at the orchards. The boy in the red sweatshirt is his good buddy in his class. They are both head and shoulders taller than the rest of the class. The three boys with Jacob are brothers.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
more pics
cross country meet
run for the prize
Yesterday was our second cross country meet. We had a gorgeous day for running. It was a little chilly...perfect for running. The team did great. Several of them had a personal best time. We are so proud of Matt for breaking 20 with a 19:13!! Way to go! Kate finished in 24:38 a personal best for her. She was really bummed she missed the top ten by 6 seconds. She didn't realize she was anywhere near the top ten. I should have kept better track and she learned that you better give it all you have no matter what!! It was great to be outside enjoying the fall air with a bunch of really great runners!! Today I am sick with a bad cold...and quite worn out from a really busy week.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
fightin' Phillies
Forget McCain and Obama...go Phillies!
What a fun game to watch tonight. If it can't be the Braves, I am so happy to see the Phillies go to the World Series!!!
What a fun game to watch tonight. If it can't be the Braves, I am so happy to see the Phillies go to the World Series!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
God's provision
We had a great weekend. The weather was absolutely GORGEOUS!!! How many times have I said how much I love fall. I LOVE FALL!! David and I drove up to my sister's on Sat. I was hoping to leave a little early and go to Longwood Gardens, but I had too much to do around the house and needed to get it done. Hopefully, we will get there soon while the autumn season is in full bloom. The drive up to Lancaster was delicious! Can I say that?? I was drinking it in and savoring every scene! It will probably only happen once this fall. I wanted to get pumpkins on the way up and then realized that we took the wrong road. My favorite amish pumpkin place is on 896 not 41....guess I will have to find pumpkins somewhere else. This guy just leaves his wagon out by the road, loaded with pumpkins, 75 cents each, leave your money in the box welded to the hay it! We celebrated her big 5-0 birthday. We all told funny stories about Melinda and Melinda told funny stories about Melinda...she remembers the stories better than any of us! good times.
I am reminded of God's faithfulness to us. In the midst of turmoil we can rest in Him. His love is everlasting and never changes even when our hearts grow cold. My mom wrote an email about a missionary who was feeling far away from God and God revealed his love to her right where she was at...He didn't make her earn it or get out of the emotional state of mind she was in....He ministered to her right there. I was feeling the same way as that woman yesterday morning, not feeling like going to church, not loving people, not desiring to read His Word or care about the lost. God met me right there in the worship service while we were singing, "Alas, and Did My Saviour Bleed". Who am I that God would demonstrate such extravagant love for me!? Why would God choose this broken vessel to show His love to others when I fail Him so miserably? I need the gospel every day...God continues to show me my pride and selfishness and how He is the one at work in me and through me! It's all Him! His grace is up to the task! After church we had dinner with friends. We weren't planning on doing this but did the spontaneous thing and had so much fun! They also gave us a cooler full of venison! Once again God is faithful to provide for his children. God has used friends, mom, and the local church to show me that He will go to great lengths to warm my heart toward Him. Without Him I am doomed!
I am reminded of God's faithfulness to us. In the midst of turmoil we can rest in Him. His love is everlasting and never changes even when our hearts grow cold. My mom wrote an email about a missionary who was feeling far away from God and God revealed his love to her right where she was at...He didn't make her earn it or get out of the emotional state of mind she was in....He ministered to her right there. I was feeling the same way as that woman yesterday morning, not feeling like going to church, not loving people, not desiring to read His Word or care about the lost. God met me right there in the worship service while we were singing, "Alas, and Did My Saviour Bleed". Who am I that God would demonstrate such extravagant love for me!? Why would God choose this broken vessel to show His love to others when I fail Him so miserably? I need the gospel every day...God continues to show me my pride and selfishness and how He is the one at work in me and through me! It's all Him! His grace is up to the task! After church we had dinner with friends. We weren't planning on doing this but did the spontaneous thing and had so much fun! They also gave us a cooler full of venison! Once again God is faithful to provide for his children. God has used friends, mom, and the local church to show me that He will go to great lengths to warm my heart toward Him. Without Him I am doomed!
fun quote
I like to remember quotes that I hear or read and blogging is a way to do that. I was looking at my niece's twitter thingy...and found this quote. It might be a Jeannette original...I loved it.
"EZ pass means not having to put down your coffee" (I love EZpass)!
You can tell she's not getting much sleep when she is talking about not having to put down her coffee.
"EZ pass means not having to put down your coffee" (I love EZpass)!
You can tell she's not getting much sleep when she is talking about not having to put down her coffee.
family pictures
For those who are interested, my sister has posted some family pictures from way back on her blog. She is my oldest sister at Over the Ord and Back...she listed on my list of favorite blogs.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Today after school I had to get Katelyn to drivers ed. Mary Ellen had volleyball. Jacob had soccer. David had to do the books at the v-ball game and I had to coach cross country. Thankfully, we are like a family at school and we all just help each other out in whatever way we can. So one of the other teachers took Kate to drivers ed., Mary Ellen found a ride with the team. I dropped David and Jonathan off at the gym on my way to cross country and someone else brought Jacob to the gym after he was done with soccer! :) I love my TOCS family! Then I came home with a yummy dinner someone else made for our family from the the teacher appreciation committee. So I didn't have to cook! Thank you to whoever you are! The meal was a HUGE BLESSING!!!
new ministry
My new area of ministry is the bus ministry as in public transportation. Most of you know that I take the bus every morning to work. Today I had a long conversation with my friend who also rides the bus every day from Smyrna. We usually greet each other and chit chat while waiting for the bus, but today we talked all the way up to my stop (about 40 min.). She was sharing with me some pretty big struggles in her life. You never know who God will put in your life each day to share the hope of the gospel and the love and forgiveness that we have in Christ.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
the big 5-0
Wow, another sibling hits the next big decade!!
Happy Birthday Melinda!! I can't wait for the big party on Sat. night. It's all adults ( a rare treat for me)! You know the great thing about getting old is that you just say what you think and you don't care anymore what anything thinks. Of course, Melinda has always done this so not much has changed as she got older! :)
I am so glad we moved up here 8 years ago and have lived fairly close to Melinda and Joel for the last eight years. I didn't really know her until I moved up here because she got married when I was 9 years old. So I have the privilege of sharing most of lifes ups and downs, birthdays, graduations, weddings, etc. with her.
She started practicing being a grandma with my kids, especially Jacob. Jacob loves her. Melinda has been a great source of wisdom and encouragement for me as a mom and wife. I am so thankful that God has caused our paths to cross. It has been so nice to live close to a sibling, especially one who has gone down the path of life a little ways ahead of me and who loves her Heavenly Father. We can't move too far away from each other now because I need her input and wisdom to help me raise Jacob. He is a lot like Sam!
Happy Birthday! I love you, Melinda!
Happy Birthday Melinda!! I can't wait for the big party on Sat. night. It's all adults ( a rare treat for me)! You know the great thing about getting old is that you just say what you think and you don't care anymore what anything thinks. Of course, Melinda has always done this so not much has changed as she got older! :)
I am so glad we moved up here 8 years ago and have lived fairly close to Melinda and Joel for the last eight years. I didn't really know her until I moved up here because she got married when I was 9 years old. So I have the privilege of sharing most of lifes ups and downs, birthdays, graduations, weddings, etc. with her.
She started practicing being a grandma with my kids, especially Jacob. Jacob loves her. Melinda has been a great source of wisdom and encouragement for me as a mom and wife. I am so thankful that God has caused our paths to cross. It has been so nice to live close to a sibling, especially one who has gone down the path of life a little ways ahead of me and who loves her Heavenly Father. We can't move too far away from each other now because I need her input and wisdom to help me raise Jacob. He is a lot like Sam!
Happy Birthday! I love you, Melinda!
Yesterday was Jonathan's birthday. He turned 12...I can't believe he is almost a teenager! We had a volleyball game after school and Katelyn is now taking drivers ed. So we didn't get home until after 8. David had stuff at church, so we are going to celebrate his birthday tonight as a family. By Jonathan's request, the kids and I went to Moe's after drivers ed. on our way home. While we were sitting there we all decided to share our favorite "Jonathan memories". Katelyn's was the time he got into the baby powder and had it all over him and all over his room. Mary Ellen was the time the were wrestling and he busted his head open on the corner of the wall....I'm not sure why she chose that...tramatic memory! Jacob didn't share one. Of course, at the top of my list was the moment he was born and the doctor said, "He's a boy!" Second, for me, was the first time he smiled at me. My mom and I both were talking to him ( I think he was about 3 weeks old) and he grinned really big at us and we both said "He has dimples!" Of course, that was the end of me right there. That boy melts my heart every time he smiles at me with that sweet smile of his! He is such a sweet boy, very tenderhearted. He is so smart and wants to do well in school. He hears something once and pretty much gets it...very quick learner. He also loves sports and has now become a Phillies fan in the past few years. His dad isn't too happy about that. One of my favorite pictures of him was when he was about 4 and he is wearing cowboy boots, superman cape with a three cornered "George Washington" hat and he is aiming his musket at something! so cute!!!
He is very sensitive to spiritual things and from a young age could be found reading his Bible in his room from time to time. He LOVES to read!!! I have to make him go outside and get some exercise. Some of his interests are different from other kids his age. He enjoys classical music and loves taking piano lessons (although we had to quit this yr. ). He wants to be a congressman someday. When he was little, he loved George Washington. Living in PA, provided many opportunities to go "see George Washington". There was a guy in the area who goes around the area as GW talking about him. We have gone to GW's birthday party a few times, the reenactment of the Brandywine Battlefield. We visited Valley Forge and Mount Vernon....This is a great area for field trips.
I love all these things that make Jonathan who he sweet boy. Happy Birthday!
Monday, October 6, 2008
commenting...Miriam Cooley
I tried to fix the problem that some of you have had with commenting on my blog. Hopefully, it worked!
We had a busy week last week. I am kind of brain dead right now...
Pray for our friend Aunt Miriam (from SC) who is dying of cancer. I talked to her on Sat. and she sounded good. She said that she is excited to go to heaven. That is good. Pray for her family as well...especially Uncle Eb. We love the whole family. Miriam's birthday is Thurs. We really wish we could go down and see her one more would be fun to surprise her on her birthday! We are praying about it. We have a half day on Wed. at school and no school on Fri. So this would be a good weekend.
Let me tell you what a special person Miriam has been to our family. She loved us from the time we walked into the door of our first church. It was David's first pastorate. We met her and Eb and Edwin, their son right away and then we met their daughter Beth at Christmas when she come home from school. She was going to Covenant Seminary at the time. I hit it off with Beth right away and she became a kindred spirit and a safe person I could talk to about life. I felt kind of alone and odd at times while living in Williston. Beth helped me feel like I wasn't totally losing my mind. Miriam and Eb took care of our kids for David and I to go on dates or overnighters many times. My kids (Katelyn, Mary Ellen and Jonathan) loved Aunt Miriam and Uncle Eb as much as their own grandparents. We had many good conversations about the Bible, life, our struggles and our joys. We watched Miriam and Eb grow spiritually as they listened to every word David preached and soaked in all the good meat of the God's Word. They were so teachable, generous, and faithful. Even since we have moved up here, we have stayed in touch and go see them every Christmas. So we are sad to let go of this dear friend but we know we will see her again...someday.
We had a busy week last week. I am kind of brain dead right now...
Pray for our friend Aunt Miriam (from SC) who is dying of cancer. I talked to her on Sat. and she sounded good. She said that she is excited to go to heaven. That is good. Pray for her family as well...especially Uncle Eb. We love the whole family. Miriam's birthday is Thurs. We really wish we could go down and see her one more would be fun to surprise her on her birthday! We are praying about it. We have a half day on Wed. at school and no school on Fri. So this would be a good weekend.
Let me tell you what a special person Miriam has been to our family. She loved us from the time we walked into the door of our first church. It was David's first pastorate. We met her and Eb and Edwin, their son right away and then we met their daughter Beth at Christmas when she come home from school. She was going to Covenant Seminary at the time. I hit it off with Beth right away and she became a kindred spirit and a safe person I could talk to about life. I felt kind of alone and odd at times while living in Williston. Beth helped me feel like I wasn't totally losing my mind. Miriam and Eb took care of our kids for David and I to go on dates or overnighters many times. My kids (Katelyn, Mary Ellen and Jonathan) loved Aunt Miriam and Uncle Eb as much as their own grandparents. We had many good conversations about the Bible, life, our struggles and our joys. We watched Miriam and Eb grow spiritually as they listened to every word David preached and soaked in all the good meat of the God's Word. They were so teachable, generous, and faithful. Even since we have moved up here, we have stayed in touch and go see them every Christmas. So we are sad to let go of this dear friend but we know we will see her again...someday.
Friday, October 3, 2008
only one
There was only one debate and she hit it out of the park!!
As Tom Brokaw said afterwards, the democrats are glad there is only one VP debate.
As Tom Brokaw said afterwards, the democrats are glad there is only one VP debate.
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