Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin power

I just finished watching Sarah Palin's speech! She rocks!! What a great speech! I can't go to sleep. I was in the middle of making lunches for tomorrow and ended up sitting down in the LR to watch the speech....might as well do lesson plans.


momofkrit said...

I'm SO excited about her. I loved the comment that the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is lipstick. :-)
Kyle heard some of it in the middle of the night on rerun and loved the statement that she isn't headed to Washington so people can like her, but she is headed to Washington to do good for the American people. Hope you got the lesson plans done.

Emily said...

yep, got them done!

Donna said...

You kids are up waaay too early, hope you both are having fun at TOCS. Miss you both!

LeroyLime said...

I agree...I think America was very hesitant to like her and she BLEW everyone out of the water. What a strong Mother, WOW!!!

Thanks for the comment on my blog, can't believe you have 4 kiddos. I remember going to your wedding and then seeing you again at a choir concert when I was in Jr. High or Highschool.

I live SUPER close to your sis (the next town over), so if you're ever in the area, you'll have to pop over! :)