Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday night football!

Kate and Mary Ellen enjoying the game..

This is not that great of a pic....but that is the only one Mary Ellen took of No. 44...
When we moved up here from SC 8 years ago, we really missed Friday night football. In the small town that we lived in, it was the social event of the week. Everyone went to the f-ball game. They always prayed before the beginning of each game (yes, this was public school in the south). The local pastors took turns praying before the game. When it was David's turn to pray, we would all get to go for free! :) times. Well this past Friday night we got to go to a high school football game. Our school doesn't have a team. So one of our senior boys plays for another Christian school. It was so fun and made David a bit home sick...I love football season. Another reason I am excited for fall....


momofkrit said...


Emily said...

no, but it was fun. Greg recovered a fumble and ran it down the field...almost got a touchdown.

sperlonga said...

I love football season at our school, too! Even though it's been two years now since Andrew played, we still go. Our school meets at Godfather's after and Godfather's gives 10% back to the school! You should find out about that!