Happy birthday to my sister, Rachael! She is my oldest sister and was moving out of the house by the time I started kindergarten. We didn't really get to know each other until after she was done with college. Then she was my teacher for two years (5th and 6th grade). It really wasn't a good time to start getting to know me! So it had it's tough times those couple of years. However, since then we have enjoyed many fun times together. One summer in high school I went and lived with her while her husband was out to sea for six months...serving his country. By then she had her first child and I taught her all kinds of things that aunties enjoy teaching their nieces. I had so much fun that summer, going to the beach and going to a youth group! My home church didn't have one and didn't want one. Being the social person that I am, I loved hanging out with all my friends and went back to see them even after Rachael moved away from the area.
I went to the same college as Rachael (even had the same room assigned to me that she had one year!), met my husband there, and started teaching after I graduated...so you could kinda say I followed in her footsteps. Dennis (her husband) spiced things up for Rach....what we would ever do without him. Life would be so boring. My sisters and I always joke about how we like our brothers-in-law more than each other. We'll take them if our sisters ever try to leave the marriage!
Some of the things that I appreciate about Rachael:
Her love for God and desire to walk with Him
Her love for Den...and all his craziness!
Her love for her kids and desiring God's best for them
She loves to PARTY!!! She married the right guy for that! :)
Along with the above is that she HATES to miss anything fun!
She will lose sleep to have fun...well maybe not now that she is in her fifties!
I love her energy. We have a video of her chasing one of our little nieces around my brother's farm with a squirt gun, letting her have it!! :)
She loves to read!
She loves life and I love her!
Happy birthday, Rach!
1 comment:
Aw, Em, that was the nicest birthday present I've ever gotten!!!! Thanks! (BTW, have Melinda tell you about her card!)
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