Saturday, September 6, 2008

good friends

Today I had a visit from a good friend. We have known each other for almost nine years. She has been such a blessing to me. We met when we came up to candidate at Willowdale almost nine years ago. She and another good friend, Katie Martin, took me to Winterthur while David was being "entertained" by the elder board, staff, pastor and whoever... We hit it off from the beginning. In fact, we were having such good conversation over lunch that we didn't realize how time had gotten away from us. Good thing Katie was nursing or we would have been there way past our time limit! It is interesting to me that both Katie and Sarah have become such dear friends and that they were the first ones I met. Sarah has since moved out to Spokane, WA with her family for her husband to go to Moody's mission aviation school. They have been invited to join an organization that helps missionaries in the very remote places of Alaska. These places are only accessible by plane or boat. There are no roads. Paul is very skilled with his hands and now has his pilot's license. He has already been to some of these places this past summer to help work on a house of a missionary. Both Paul and Sarah have the gift of helps. We have been the recipient of it and have also enjoyed Sarah's wonderful gift of hospitality. It truly is an act of love. I always loved being in her comfy and cozy. He finished our basement in our old house in West Grove, PA. We had a lot of compliments on it when our house was on the market. It is sooo good to look back and see how God has blessed us with dear friends. Sarah brought her kids with her today. My kids had a great time with them and we hope it isn't so long before we see each other again. I think Jonathan and Sam picked up right where they left off a few years ago. So once again, God manifested himself to me today through the gift of friendship...he gives good gifts!

1 comment:

momofkrit said...

I'm so glad you had a good time!! :-)