This weekend was our fall retreat with 7-12 graders. We left Thurs. afternoon after school and returned Sat. afternoon. We had it at Cape Henlopen State Park which is on the beach. It's the beach we always go to. They have youth camps their. Our camp had a big building with a meeting area and eating area and then the boys dorm off one side and a girls dorm off the other. We had a separate girls dorm down the road a little ways for the 10-12 graders. I got to stay with them. David and I both went as chaperones. We went for a walk Fri. afternoon up to this lookout place. It was clear sky and you could lookout across the ocean and see Cape May, NJ to the right....beautiful. We were chatting as we were walking and both of us agreed that we absolutely love doing stuff like this together. Maybe Tall Oaks is our new place of ministry...well we know it is because that is where God has us! I was talking to a couple of the high school girls about ministry and missions. They both want to serve God somehow in missions. Sometimes it looks totally different than what you think it will look like. Ministry might be serving your country in the military. It might be with international students at a local college. It might be the role of a pastor's wife, or a teacher....who knows. David thought he would always be a pastor. Then he thought maybe I should be an associate pastor. Then God led him into church planting and now teaching. Who knows where or what it will look like next. For right now we love ministering to these kids at Tall Oaks Classical School.
It was REALLY windy on Friday and the waves were huge! It was kinda scary! We took all the kids down to the beach around 11 and you could not even sit on the beach! The waves and water were all the way up to the sand dunes! I have never seen it like this before. It looked like a hurricane...unbelievable. We played games, ate, didn't sleep much, talked, sat around a campfire, listened to our speaker, Blake Hardcastle. He was fabulous! Blake is a parent at our school. His little boy is one of Jacob's best buddies.
A good time was had by all and I hope lessons were learned and lives touched with the gospel.
Time to get ready for a new week!
Time to get ready for another week!
hey guys its nice.
go and add on myblogger alrite.
Em, it so fits you both!! I would love that kind of ministry, too! Sounds like a blast! Don't you just love the beach?
What a beautiful expression of submission to God's plan for your life, whatever that may be! I love that I get to see you everyday even if it is only in passing! :-)
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