Thursday, September 4, 2008

God's grace...

Don't use change for your career, use your career for change.
---Sarah Palin
I liked that quote from her speech last night.
Another thing I read this morning that I didn't want to forget...changing the subject
"So God's grace isn't always comfortable because he isn't primarily working on our comfort; He's working on our character. With violent grace He will crush us because He loves us and is committed to our restoration, deliverance, and refinement. And that is something worth celebrating."
---Paul Tripp taken from "Whiter Than Snow" meditations on sin and mercy
This is referring to Ps 51:8


Donna said...

Amen sister to all of it!!!

Emily said...

Ooo...Sarah Palin and Paul Tripp in ONE blog post! WOO HOO! It can't get much better than THAT! :-)