Waiting is so hard for me. We have been in the waiting phase for a long time...it seems. This morning I went up to Kennett to a summer Bible study at our pastor's home. Our pastor's wife was leading the study. We talked about when Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem in Acts 1. One of the things she said was that waiting is not a time of no activity but a time of preparation. It's like pregnancy. God is preparing us for something, teaching us and growing us in the process. A baby certainly couldn't be born as soon as it conceived but needs to grow and develop. There is certainly a lot of activity going on but also waiting for the right time to give birth. God has certainly been stretching us, teaching us, and growing us. We continue to wait on Him. I sometimes feel like God is asking me, "Do you trust me? Just trust me for today." That is what He gives grace for...today. I don't have to understand, just trust. During the time that the disciples had to wait, they devoted themselves to prayer, teaching and encouraging each other. So I was challenged this morning to pray more diligently and to trust in what God has for me today. Today He has me in Smyrna, DE to be a light to the people He has put in my path.
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