I love that James Taylor song. We always listen to it as we hit the road heading for SC. We can't wait to go see our family and maybe some friends. Our van has 235,000 miles on it. So we are going to lay hands on it and pray over it as we take another trip.
Being the NASCAR fan that he is, David always tells the kids to say the most famous words in NASCAR as we start the car and then pull out of the drive way. So they yell, "Gentleman, start your engine!" He starts the car, we pray and we are on our way! (little bit of Stover trivia).
Kate is especially looking forward to all that family bonding time in the car! ha
Today it is cleaning and packing.
Happy Birthday, Rachel Dillon! We love you!
Yeah for family trips! Have a blast...even K!!!! :)
Aren't you home yet?????
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