Monday, August 4, 2008


I had two moments today when I felt a little bit of panic and I was saying "YIKES!"
1. when I stepped on the scales at the gym! not good.
2. when I was thinking about school starting in 3 weeks!
This week we need to go to the beach at least once, hopefully twice. I need to fill out a teacher application. I need to fill out an application for church membership at our church.....and the list goes on and on. I need to redo our budget since we are taking a significant pay cut and our lifestyle will have to change. We are hoping to try to rent our house since we can't sell it and find something close to the school to rent. One thing that is sure in life is CHANGE!
I am looking forward to seeing our school family. I really miss seeing them on a regular basis during the summer....on with the day!


sperlonga said...

Sorry :( I missed you last night. We'll be praying everything goes well! And you have to fill out an application for church membership? I've never heard of that!

Emily said...

yep,I thought it was a PCA thing. We have had to do it at both PCA churches that we have been at.

momofkrit said...

Good luck with the teacher app. That this is a killer!! :-)