Thursday, June 18, 2009

another first

Sometimes I really feel sorry for the firstborn child. She is like the guinea pig. As parents, it is the first time we go through all these things with her. We are all fallen sinners in need of God's grace every day. So we are going through having a driver for the first time as she is learning how to drive. When she was little, I homeschooled and of course did so many things I now regret. As the next couple of kids came along, I learned to relax more and enjoy the process. (Although I'm not sure the words "enjoy" and "homeschool" were ever in the same sentence for me :) )
Today was another first. Our firstborn is gainfully employed. I couldn't ask for a better place for her to work. She is working at Chick Fil A. The owner goes to a PCA church in the area. The managers are Christians and the other young man who was hired with her goes to Wilmington Christian School and knows a bunch of kids that Kate knows. So I am hoping that this is a good "first" for Kate.

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