Wednesday, June 24, 2009
switched roles
Tonight I was putting Jacob to bed and he told me that he had a rip on his lip. So I took off with that and made up a whole story with words that rhyme with lip. I went on and on and was laughing so hard. Finally, he said "Mom, stop! You need to be quiet! It is bedtime not speak time." Then I just laughed to myself and thought, "that's a switch! The little boy is telling his mom to stop talking so he can go to sleep!" ...what a funny boy :)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We went to Baltimore last week for Kate's birthday. She wanted to go to the Inner Harbor, to the National Aquarium and out for dinner. This had been the plan for awhile but is it got closer and closer the weather wasn't looking very good. It was cold, windy, and rainy. We still had a great time at the aquarium and at the Cheesecake Factory where we ate dinner. However, we do want to go back on a sunny day!
group time
I love my little women's group on Tuesday morning. They are the most real women I have ever met! They speak the gospel into my life all the time! I love that it is a safe place where I can be honest about myself and they will always love me and point me to the cross! Most of them are farther down life's road than I am...I love that I can glean from all their wisdom! Everyone needs a group like this in their life. They can love, forgive, and extend grace because they have experienced all that through Jesus Christ. As was said by one of my friends this morning, "It's good to have a group of women in your life whom you have known for awhile and know your struggles and always believe your side of the story." :) I loved that.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
another first
Sometimes I really feel sorry for the firstborn child. She is like the guinea pig. As parents, it is the first time we go through all these things with her. We are all fallen sinners in need of God's grace every day. So we are going through having a driver for the first time as she is learning how to drive. When she was little, I homeschooled and of course did so many things I now regret. As the next couple of kids came along, I learned to relax more and enjoy the process. (Although I'm not sure the words "enjoy" and "homeschool" were ever in the same sentence for me :) )
Today was another first. Our firstborn is gainfully employed. I couldn't ask for a better place for her to work. She is working at Chick Fil A. The owner goes to a PCA church in the area. The managers are Christians and the other young man who was hired with her goes to Wilmington Christian School and knows a bunch of kids that Kate knows. So I am hoping that this is a good "first" for Kate.
Today was another first. Our firstborn is gainfully employed. I couldn't ask for a better place for her to work. She is working at Chick Fil A. The owner goes to a PCA church in the area. The managers are Christians and the other young man who was hired with her goes to Wilmington Christian School and knows a bunch of kids that Kate knows. So I am hoping that this is a good "first" for Kate.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
She made me "mama"
She was so beautiful...born with a full head of hair, beautiful skin, etc. I couldn't get enough of her. I just kept looking at her and told my friends, "She is really beautiful and I'm not just saying that because I'm her mother!" She still is beautiful! She is my firstborn, Katelyn Grace. Happy 17th birthday, Kate! One of my favorite things about Kate is her singing. I love to hear her sing. When I am singing with her at church, I just want to stop and listen to her beautiful strong voice. I think she was born singing! We have lots of videos of her when she was little singing her heart out! I would post one of them, but she would be appalled! She is looking forward to her senior year this year and then who knows what after that. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up working in an orphanage in Africa somewhere along the way!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Happy anniversary!
June is such a busy month! The Stovers, Petersons, DiBernardos are celebrating somebody's birthday or anniversary all time. Today my sister, Celeste, and I are celebrating our anniversary. She was married six years before me and also married a David. She is celebrating the big 25th anniv. this year. She mentioned to me this morning that it used to be old people that were married this long! :)
Today David and I celebrate 19 years. I am so thankful for the grace and forgiveness of God. If it were not for His unfailing love and mercy towards us we would nothing to celebrate today.
Today David and I celebrate 19 years. I am so thankful for the grace and forgiveness of God. If it were not for His unfailing love and mercy towards us we would nothing to celebrate today.
Monday, June 15, 2009
storm fun
love cup
Jacob just burst through the front door, walked over to me and gave me a big smooch! I said, "I love you!" He said, "I love my mama and my love cup is over filled!" I thought I better write that down so I can remember it forever!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Last Tues. I bribed the kids and told them that if they would come with me to pick strawberries, I would take them to the beach the next day. We picked and picked....8 full buckets. I love the picking part. THEN you get home and have to do something with all those strawberries. The plan was make lots of jam and freeze some. I made 60 jars of jam and NONE of it firmed up like's all syrupy. It tastes really good on our ice cream, waffles and pancakes. Probably some of you will see it when I come visit you this summer, or if you come visit me! :) I used a different fruit pectin, bought in bulk at the Mennonite/Amish grocery store.
We did have fun at the beach the next day. I was exhausted and fell asleep to the warm breeze and the sound of waves...ahhhhhhhhhh! None of us brought a camera to the beach, so I don't have any pics for you....but I do have a picture of some of the jars of strawberry SYRUP I made.
Come over and have some with me!
weddings and stuff

crazy young men...:) We had a big day yesterday. Katelyn took her SAT test in the morning, then we had a wedding (Emily Cathey and Seth Trader) and then graduation party. We were so happy to get in our comfy clothes when we got home last night! The girls and I went to get a movie. When we came out of the movie store, we got in the car to come home and the key would not turn in the ignition. I was thinking, "okay, I got here with these keys, what could be the problem?" They were the keys to David's car, not the van, but somehow they had worked on the way to the store! Isn't that weird?!
Back to enjoying this beautiful evening with a mojito and brats off the grill...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Mare Bear--
My sweetness
Today is my sweet Mary Ellen's birthday! Fifteen years ago right now I was getting ready to go the doctor for my weekly checkup and boy was I READY to have that baby! I wasn't getting much sleep and sat in the doctor's office and cried to my doctor. He was such a good, kind and patient doctor. He was a Christian and me and all my friends went to him. Later on that day I found out why I was so uncomfortable. Even though she was 9 days early, Mary Ellen came flying into the world at 9lb and 4 oz!
Mary Ellen has brought us so much joy and laughter with her free spirit! We look back pictures from when she was little and chubby with her pretty blonde curls down in her face and can't help but smile! She was such a funny kid and still is. She is the nurturer...the little mommy. When Jacob was little she would read to him, hold him and kiss him...even at two weeks old. Jacob has always been her little buddy. She loves being with kids and they love her too. It was once said about Mary Ellen that she were a shape she would be a heart (Mrs. McGehee--forgot how to spell it). I wonder how God will use Mary Ellen. She is such a special gift from Him to her family and her friends. We pray that you will always know your great need for the cross and the great love of your Heavenly Father. We love you, Mary Ellen!
Mary Ellen has brought us so much joy and laughter with her free spirit! We look back pictures from when she was little and chubby with her pretty blonde curls down in her face and can't help but smile! She was such a funny kid and still is. She is the nurturer...the little mommy. When Jacob was little she would read to him, hold him and kiss him...even at two weeks old. Jacob has always been her little buddy. She loves being with kids and they love her too. It was once said about Mary Ellen that she were a shape she would be a heart (Mrs. McGehee--forgot how to spell it). I wonder how God will use Mary Ellen. She is such a special gift from Him to her family and her friends. We pray that you will always know your great need for the cross and the great love of your Heavenly Father. We love you, Mary Ellen!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
created a monster
Yes, I have created a monster. My daughter is turning out like me in that she wants to have a party alllllllll the time! She is relentless! So tonight she was supposed to have a party with friends from school and then found out that the guest of honor can't come! I know how disappointing it is to plan a party and be so excited about having friends over and then it all goes up in smoke. So I told her she could have a FEW friends over. She keeps trying to make more than a few! I am brewing tea and only have a few minutes to write....oh, I hear it, gotta go! :) Happy partying!
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