Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Thank you all for your birthday greetings! If any of you are discouraged or feeling a little down on yourself, just spend a day in a first or second grade classroom. If the one at Tall Oaks is available to you, I highly recommend it! I wasn't feeling low or anything, but if I had been those beautiful children yesterday would have picked me right up! They were so cute yesterday. In second grade the tradition is for the girls to wear a crown for the day of her birthday and they are princess for the day. I kept teasing them that I was going to bring in a great big one and wear lots of jewels on my birthday! I got to wear the little toy crown yesterday and they all thought it was just the greatest thing to see the teacher wearing that little crown. Then about 10 min. into science class, David comes in the classroom and just starts dancing with me right in front of them all. So we did a little jig and they LOVED that! In first grade you get to wear a sticker. So I wore the sticker and then both classes threw a little party at the end of the day! It was so nice. You know me I love matter what the size! Today is the faculty/staff Christmas lunch and party. The kids have a half day. We are going to have an Italian feast! I'm so excited!


diber said...

Happy Birthday, Auntie Emo!!

Birthdays are so much fun! :)

sperlonga said...

So cool, so cool!!! I'm glad you had a really fun day, Em! You ARE the party girl! :) I was in first grade yesterday, too.