Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Yesterday morning my brother called me to wish me a happy birthday. He called early to be the first one! You know how everything is a competition for us Calhouns!! :) I was on my way to my friend's house to work out. It is a drive through the country from my house to hers. I have been there several times by now and should know my way. Well, I am not good at multi-tasking or maybe it has something to do with age. I am talking away on the phone and come to a stop sign. I look both ways, look around me, and realize that I have no idea where I am! I have never been on this road and don't know how I got there! So I say to Ron, "I have no idea where I am!" He says, "Wait a minute, I think I have the wrong number. Is this Elsie?" ha.... I laughed the rest of the way (once I figured out where I was)!!!
So thanks,mom, for passing down all kinds of wonderful traits! I am so blessed by you! :)


sperlonga said...

A mom story for ya. Well, any of us could think this. She thought you were a year older (I won't type the age) when we talked the other day. We had to remember what year you were born.

Happy Birthday!

LeroyLime said...

now that's FUNNY!!! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

I'm so flattered that i was mentioned in your an indirect kind of way!! cathy