Here are my kids having fun with the neighbors. It was dusk and so the picture turned out too dark. We have fun neighbor kids who feel very at home at our house. One day David came downstairs and found one of them making himself some lunch! :) We like it that they feel that way. Sometimes we wish they would knock before they came in the house. We have great neighbors and are starting to really enjoy each other this summer.

Here is Jacob, "The Inventor"

This is what the boys did this morning. We have a policy for the during the summer that no one can look at any kind of screen thing (TV, movie, computer, games, etc. ) before noon and you have to spend as much time reading as you do in front of the screen. So if you watch a two hour movie at night, you have to have read two hours or read for two hours the next day.
Well this allows for all kinds of creativity, since they can't just sit and stare at a screen. This morning the boys were being "inventors and engineers". Jonathan said that Jacob was the inventor and he was the engineer. Here are some pictures of what they created....boy fun!!!
Ah, I miss having kids around to do fun stuff with in the summer. I told our cousin that she could lend me her kids anytime this summer!!!
Awwww!! you guys look like you are having soooooooo much fun this summer. Can't wait to see you guys!!!
9 more days
Em, I have to tell you that I'm enjoying your friend's blog, Life with 4 kids. She's hysterical! I wish you were here, too. :) Any chance Dave wants to church plant here? Our church is thinking of one in Council Bluffs.....
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