Thursday, June 5, 2008


The setting:
The deck of our friends' house in VA...evening after dinner. Jacob and I were sitting on the lounge chairs enjoying the breeze and chatting.
Jacob: I love staring at people.
Mom: I like watching people too. Why do you like staring at people?
Jacob: I just like to stare at cool people.
Mom: Who are the cool people?
Jacob: biker guys.
Mom: Am I a cool person.
Jacob: no
Mom: I'm not cool?!
Jacob: No, because you are a girl.
Mom: So girls aren't cool?
Jacob: Well, some girls are cool.
Mom: Are there any cool girls in your class at school?
Jacob: Yeah, there is, two girls in my class.
Mom: who are they?
Jacob: Rhia and Piper
Mom: What about Haley and Mariko?
Jacob (laughing): Oh no way! They aren't cool.
Mom (surprised): Why aren't they cool?
Jacob: because they like make up and all that girl stuff!

Note: I am pretty sure Rhia and Piper like make-up.

This was such a funny conversation. I didn't want to forget it.


sperlonga said...

Oh, that is soooo funny!! Now Jacob is HOW old?? And the girls in his class like makeup and stuff? I'm glad you wrote it down!
My mother/son conversation yesterday BEFORE 8AM ON THE WAY TO WORK was already on politics!!!!

Emily said...

Jacob is 7. Every little girl likes to play with make up.