This picture was taken this summer on our trip to Iowa. The lady on the left is my mom's friend, Liz. I was thinking the other day about Dan and Liz and how much we enjoy being with them. It is so nice when your parent's friends become your friends as you get older. We always loved being at their house. Dan and Liz were my parents best friends and their kids were like our cousins. We took trips together and spent many Sunday nights at one family or the other's house. It is rare, I think, when both the husband and wife of one family are both best friends with another couple. I found in my married life that usually I will be close to the wife of one couple and David will enjoy the friendship of a husband of another couple. Not that we don't get along with the other spouse...it's just not as close a relationship. It is rare to find friends like Dan and Liz were to my mom and dad. We lived close to each other until I was ten and then we moved two hours away.
So tonight I am excited about having dinner with Dan and Liz at my sister's. :)
I concur!! We have only one set of friends like that, and indeed they are special!
hey, I know that lady!! :)
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