Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Mom was here last year on Memorial Day and we had about 30 people over for a picnic so they could meet my mom. It was so fun. This year we are just relaxing and taking it easy for the day. The girls and I might do something later. My dinner is ready, except for the grilling and shucking the corn. The boys have some nerf gun game going on with Glenn outside. The girls are studying for their finals tomorrow and I am enjoying the latest issue of BH&G and Southern Living.
Can I just say that I LOVE cilantro! I love making stuff with cilantro, the smell, everything. I made some homemade salsa this morning to snack on today and it smells soooo good. We could eat that stuff by the bucket! Speaking of buckets...I am hoping to pick strawberries this week and make lots and lots of jam! I'll probably freeze some too. We just used the last of the jam from last year a couple weeks ago. I LOVE picking strawberries! I'll pick them for you if you want me to...let me know. :)


sperlonga said...

Linnea told me last week that cilantro is the same as coriander. The latter is the English name for it. Cool. I didn't know that!
I'm more in to Italian parsley! :)

val said...

Coriander is the seed(small, round about the size of black peppercorns)-slightly different but same plant. I love coriander, it does taste quite a bit different from cilantro but you can tell they are related. We like cilantro too. You can buy 3 bunches for a $1 here. We put ground coriander in our taco meat-adds a nice light taste to it. I first found it in a guacamole recipe, it was very good!

momofkrit said...

I remember coming for the picnic last year! We had a nice calm day here too. Strawberry jam..yum...I've never actually made jam. Can't you believe that?