Wednesday, May 27, 2009

almost done

Teaching is the best job for a working mom, especially if you teach at your kids' school. We are all on the same schedule. This week is the last week and we are sooooo excited! I have lovely in service days Monday and Tuesday of next week. Right now my girls are looking for jobs for the summer. If anyone wants to hire them to come and help for a day just let me know! They can clean, babysit, cook (well Mary Ellen can cook) whatever you want them to do.
We are looking forward to trips to the beach, Iowa, and SC....Lord willing.
Katelyn and the other Jr. and Sr. that went to Mexico are doing a presentation at school this morning.
BTW, these juniors and seniors were absolutely amazing at presenting and defending their theses last week. I was soooo impressed and wanted to discuss further many of the topics they presented. I think you can watch them on You Tube. Good job TOCS Juniors and Seniors! I was so proud of kids! gotta get on with my day...


sperlonga said...

Iowa? When are you coming to Iowa??

Emily said...

Hopefully, we will be out there sometime in July. It depends on David's job. He isn't going back to teaching at TOCS and so needs to find a job! If he doesn't have a job or a good prospect, we might not be able to come because we will have to watch our $ closely. It would be fun to come to your house and play! We shall see what the summer holds.