Sunday, September 11, 2011


10 years ago today. We all remember where we were and what we were doing and how we felt when saw our country come under attack. It was scary. I was sitting in my living room doing math with my two older children...homeschooling. My next door neighbor came over and told me to pray,pray pray! I turned on the TV and watched the horror with the rest of the country. Today while I was on facebook, by the providence of God, I noticed my status one year ago today and thought it is so appropriate and such a good reminder.
Life is not just a straight line leading from one blessing to the next and then ...finally to heaven. Life is winding and troubled road. Switchback after switchback...and God is not showing up after the trouble and cleaning it up. He is plotting the course and managing the troubles with far-reaching purposes for our good and for the glory of Jesus Christ. --John Piper

Bible study anyone?

I just want to do ministry with my husband again. I don't know what it will look like. My prayer is that God will bring the joy of ministry back into my husbands life sometime soon. I long for him to do what God has wired him to do and to work alongside with him. We just keep praying and waiting, praying and waiting...
Soooo maybe we just start where we have been for the past 4 1/2 years. Maybe we are supposed to stay here. Tonight I was wishing we had a Bible study, small group or something to go to... I miss doing something like that on Sunday nights. I think maybe we should just start a Bible study group right here and now. We minister everywhere we go...Chick fil A...who knows what God is doing. We are just broken vessels that want to be used by Him for His purposes.


My sister, Melinda, tells the story of when I was a little girl sitting at the dinner table. I quietly said, "Please pass the butter, please pass the butter, please pass the butter." After not being heard, of course, I yelled, "PLEASE PASS THE BUTTER. I SAID IT THREE TIMES!" When you are the sixth of seven children sometimes you have to yell to be heard. Which is probably why I am a loud, outgoing person...kinda had to be that way. Sometimes, lately, I feel like yelling again (or screaming)...just want to be heard and understood.