Today my baby turns 8! What a day it was...he came 6 weeks early after I had been in the hospital for about 10 days trying not to have him. He was our little peanut, and now he is our overgrown first grader! :) He is our entertainer. If you know my nephew Sam, then you can get an idea of what Jacob is like. Jacob had several health issues in his early years, but has been helped and now doesn't suffer from any health issues. (thanks to God and our chiropractor). We are so thankful for Jacob. He makes us dance, laugh, sing, and cry. We were laughing at him the other day and I said, "Where did we get you?!" He replied in his best attempt of a southern accent, "from Alabama!"
He is my snuggle boy and loves for his mama to snuggle with him at night and scratch his back. It is a sweet time when we talk and pray. It was during on of those times that he told me about when he prayed and "confessed it all" as he put. He told me when my Uncle Paul was preaching at our family reunion that he felt like he needed to go outside and pray....so he did. I asked him what he prayed about and he sighed a deep sigh and said, "I confessed it all, mom...all my sin" God loves to hear the cry of his children.
When he was born and cried out, I wept. His lungs weren't strong enough and that little cry wore him out. They showed him to me and whisked him away to the NICU. Later they rolled my bed into the NICU and I reached over and put my hand on his little head (the picture). We are so thankful for the gift that he is to us. God delights in us in the same way...but a much deeper, more perfect way!
Happy Golden birthday, jacob!!
(this is rach, too lazy to change names!)
Now I'm the one in tears! I remember that day and how little he was. Who would have guessed he and Rhia would be in the same class?
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