When I think of this past weekend "beautiful" is the word that comes to my mind. I have been so blessed by friends and family that God has woven into my life. They make my life beautiful and rich. So many of them were so kind to come our festivities over the weekend and celebrate Kate's graduation from high school. She was beautiful in her gown and her dress (that we found in 15 minutes). When the graduates stood up and turned around to face the audience, she was beaming as she turned her tassle....beautiful! She was beautiful as they came marching in. They were so eager to graduate, it seemed like they came running in! I was savoring each moment and was so proud and happy for her and her friends. God has given her some beautiful friendships. They have walked through some really hard things this year but have come out with a better understanding of the gospel of grace. I have seen and heard them encourage one another to do the right thing, cheering each other on...that is a beautiful thing to see.
My dear friend, Joanne, hosted the party at her home and did an amazing job. It was BEAUTIFUL!! She seemed so calm the whole evening while over 200 people came through her home. God blessed us with a beautiful summer evening. Joanne, is a constant reminder to me of the love and grace of God. She is constantly pointing back to Jesus and is amazing grace. She is a beautiful person and I am so thankful for her friendship.
Our family traveled up from SC and we had such a good time with them. We feel so blessed to be in a family that loves one another and loves Jesus most of all! The body of Christ is beautiful! We have so much fun together laughing, eating, running around...thanks so much for coming! You made this weekend so special!
Now I am going to sit and savor the memories...thank you Jesus for making all things beautiful!